Creating The Culture

What we are building TOGETHER:

What attracts people to a company or an organization is THE CULTURE.  We do not take that lightly!  Collectively, we as a team, have created a distinctly different culture that provides a place for people to not just belong, but an environment for people to flourish. 

The Maximum Achievement Group Team is ALL about integrity, momentum, prosperity and leadership!

Against The Grain:

Most humans want to sneak thru, win the lottery, and just get by.  The tendency is always there, to want to coast.

The Maximum Achievement Group Leaders are about much more than that.

Who We Are:

We invite you to consider that this Team IS THE SOURCE of the rest of our organizations success. What would it look like if we stood for, “No one left behind”?

We invite you to take on that “WE are the source for every Rep in our communications business to experience integrity, momentum, prosperity and leadership”.

Never has the quote, “A rising tide lifts all ships,” meant so much.

It is our intention that WE become the leading organization in ACN, not simply for the sake of competition, but because this company is counting on US to lead. 
It is only so because we say so.  We as leaders invite you to say so too.

Our leaders simply are the best.  It is time to show them.

Therefore the Maximum Achievement Group Team exists for us to come together for our own futher enrollment of that greatness which we are already committed to. From there, we take it forward.

This Team is an elite group of players, at the top of our game.  We are always striving to get better.  There is no room for spectators or reporters on the field.
They have a place, and it is in the stands.

On Integrity:

(Some of the Integrity notes are from Landmark Education ®.)

Integrity is often thought of as moral uprightness and steadfastness-making the “good” choices, doing the “right thing”.  In fact, it is far more than that.  It is a home, an anchor, a created and continuing commitment-a way of being and acting that shapes who we are.

Integrity is not constrained by, nor does it reside in, rules, prescriptions, or imposed demands.  Integrity resides in the ability to constitute our self as our word, to being true to our principles, and ultimately, being true to our self.

Here at ACN, integrity would look like us saying what we are committed to, and then being at cause for that, no matter what.  It means us guaranteeing the result.  It means us promising the outcome 100% even when we don’t yet know how to cause it.

Does that scare you?  It should. 
It should also excite you beyond anything you’ve ever experienced.

We’re not playing God here.
But we are playing the hand of God!

To be a part of the Maximum Achievement Group Team is a position of LEADERSHIP that demands that we master our self first, commit to self-evolution, only to turn around and give of our self to the larger team so they can be great.

Do you have any idea what is at risk here?  This isn’t just some Monday afternoon quarterback call.  We are literally holding ourselves up as responsible for the future of thousands of entrepreneurs.  Are you up for that?

Integrity gives us the platform to perform. It gives our ACN business workability.  Integrity is what will cause all our aspirations to materialize right before our eyes.  And notice that we only need as much integrity as what we are up to. 

On Momentum:

Momentum does not “just happen”; it must be caused.  The causative agents of momentum are unwavering, exact, specific, belief, and massive sustained action over a compressed period of time.

Momentum is born out of personal responsibility.

I am responsible.
I have a choice.
I am at cause.

If you have been invited to join the Maximum Achievement Group Team then,

The assumption is: You are already great.

The demand is: That you express it.

We are raising the bar.  We will continue together to distinguish what that means throughout 2009 and beyond, and how it will manifest, but this team must be committed to nothing short of the miraculous.  Mediocrity is dead.

On Prosperity:

A single mom replaces her $3,000 a month income, and can now stay home with her two children.  She loves promoting ACN.  She loves her life.

A top sales executive tired of the corporate politics and his 60 hour work week walks away from his $75,000 a year income, and now is living with more peace and centeredness on $50,000 a year working only 20 to 30 hours a week. 

Top Earners already full time in ACN making $100,000 a year dedicate themselves to the path to reach $250k or $500k or even, dare they dream it, $1 million a year. Their's is not a path of lesser hours.  They have chosen this path as a place to live their life from.  They commit to the greater cause; to make a significant, profound and lasting difference in the lives of every Rep in your ACN business.

These are all examples of prosperity.  And without us, they wouldn’t find their way.
Do you get it?  This is who we are.  We are the people who are at cause for this in the lives of others!

Prosperity is NOT an amount.  The word “prosper” in its root means “wholeness”.

“You attract into your mind, body, affairs, and relationships that which you secretly harbor-what you love, and what you fear or hate.  You do not so much attract what you want as what you ARE.” (Secret of Unlimited Prosperity, Catherine Ponder)

And for us, and our families and families of choice, we must each individually define what prosperity is as a unique experience, put the plan in place for achievement and then set upon that accomplishment.

On Leadership:

“In every soul there has been deposited the seed of a great future, but that seed will never germinate, much less grow to maturity, except through the rendering of useful service.”  (The Principles of Self Mastery,  Napoleon Hill)

Ninety-nine percent of all leadership occurs not from the top but from the middle of an organization.  We are that middle.

Leadership is not a title, or a promotional level or an amount of income.
Leadership is not something you did a few months or years ago.
Leadership is the choice we make moment by moment. 
Leadership is not given-it is taken.
We must insist on leading.

When we hold ourselves up as leaders we forfeit all opportunity to live only for ourselves.  We charge ourselves with the larger responsibility of casting the vision, holding the light, and showing the way.

And we don’t lead to simply get some place or some thing.  We lead because it is who we are.  We need to be more growth oriented than goal oriented.

“No matter what our circumstance, our greatest limitation isn’t the leader above
us it’s the spirit within us.”(The 360-Degree Leader,  John Maxwell)

We will continue to grow together in our experience of walking as a leader.

We are excited to have each and everyone of you on our team.  TOGETHER we will HAVE FUN and MAKE MONEY by living your life without boundaries!

                                                             Mark Skovron
                                             Jeff Peltin
                                                             And the MaxGroup Leaders